2.2.1 Restrictions
Unless otherwise expressly permitted in writing by Cloudflare, you will not and you have no right to:
(b) interfere with, disrupt, alter, or modify the Services or any part thereof, or create an undue burden on the Services or the networks (including Cloudflare’s peering partners’ networks) or services connected to the Services, including, but not limited to, causing (whether directly or indirectly) traffic for your Cloudflare-proxied domain to be sent to an IP address that was not assigned by Cloudflare for the domain;
(j) use the Services to provide a virtual private network or other similar proxy services.
11 月底有人反映 Workers 搭建的 VLESS 结点全部失效了,估计与这个有关,现在 edgetunnel 项目作者加了混淆,但是不排除有封号的风险,大家谨慎使用吧。
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