huaweigg 设置了没啥用,看了下请求查看器都是要么走国内,要么走 final ,显示也是 ip (域名)的形式
Rule Evaluating - 2.6 ms
Establishing TCP Connection - 11.0 ms
Active - 12.3 s
00:28:13.904675 [Connection] Handled by VIF
00:28:13.905648 [TLS] TLS Client Hello SNI:
analytics.twitter.com00:28:13.908484 [Rule] Rule matched: FINAL
00:28:13.908584 [Rule] Policy decision path: 🧭 Final -> ✈️ Proxy -> 🚢 Premium -> 🇭🇰 IEPL-A-香港-HK01
00:28:13.909168 [DNS] Use cached DNS result for
cctv.iepl01.yuntiair365.top. A record count: 1, AAAA record count: 0
00:28:13.909212 [Socket] Use the last successful address:
00:28:13.909556 [Socket] Connecting with address:, bound to the primary interface (en0) explicitly under Enhanced Mode
00:28:13.920622 [Socket] Connected to address in 11.0ms
00:28:13.920832 [Connector] TCP connection established
00:28:21.216639 [Connection] Remote closed sending stream (Half-closed)
00:28:21.220258 [Connection] Client closed sending stream (Half-closed)
00:28:26.221456 [Connection] Disconnect with reason: Closed by remote