benjaminliangcom OS 的定义,是把硬件统一管理起来,然后对上层应用提供编程接口。
Almost all operating systems are frameworks, but not all frameworks are operating systems. Your confusion is not mainly about Android but OS vs framework.
source.android.com explains Android as an OS (for OEMs and ROM developers).
developer.android.com explains Android as a framework (for app developers). system/vendor partitions contain all the executable code, shared libraries, configurations etc. which the Android OS as well as the third-party apps need to run.
就像 Android 以前都不敢跟自己叫 OS ,后来估计是印度阿三上位了,狗屁不懂又不要脸,慢慢把屁股给坐歪了。严格地说,ubuntu 、debian 都不说自己是操作系统,说是一个 release 。Ubuntu is a Linux distribution derived from Debian and composed mostly of free and open-source software 。