Salary: 15K~25K ¥/Month
Based: Lujiazui, Shanghai
We are looking for a software engineer with 3-5 years of development experience who can independently take on development tasks.
Proficient in at least one of Java or .NET, with solid programming skills and good coding habits.
Bachelor’s degree or above in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or related fields.
Strong communication and teamwork skills, capable of working in an English-speaking environment.
Knowledge of Python is a plus.
Experience with frontend development or databases is preferred.
美企文化,工作强度不大,相对养老,团队有刚毕业的、也有入职 20 多年的。上海部门纯技术团队,虽小但稳定。注重 WLB ,没有加班,弹性工作时间;每月 4 小时团队游戏时间,一般会玩狼人杀、德州等,不强制参加,团建活动不占用员工休息时间;每年带薪病假 5 天,年假 10 天,5 年以上员工年假再加 5 天;春节国庆等长假一般会提前半天放假,每月可申请任意 2 天在家办公,春节一般会提前 2 周开始在家办公;加班 5 分钟即可计入调休时间。补充商业保险,补充公积金。
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