
1 天前
HaibaraDP  HaibaraDP

代码提交到了本地仓库,使用 github desktop 的 add local repository 添加本地仓库,点击 pulish repository ,设置仓库名以及可见性都没问题,但推送代码发现无法点击,发现分支可以切换(但我本地只有一个分支),切换后推送上去了,此时再打开 vscode ,就发现本地仓库最近一周的提交记录都没了,github 上也没有,怎么找回呢?

736 次点击
所在节点   git  git
5 条回复
1 天前
2025-03-17T14:56:56.606Z - info: [main] Using toast activator CLSID {27D44D0C-A542-5B90-BCDB-AC3126048BA2}
2025-03-17T14:56:57.124Z - info: [ui] [AppStore] loading 14 repositories from store
2025-03-17T14:56:57.125Z - info: [ui] [AppStore] found account: mygithubname (mygithubname)
2025-03-17T14:56:57.969Z - info: [ui] [AppStore] removing account mygithubname (mygithubname) from store
2025-03-17T14:56:57.969Z - warn: [ui] fetchAll: 'repos/mygithubname/y/issues?state=open' returned a 401
2025-03-17T14:56:57.975Z - warn: [ui] Alive web socket request failed: Error: Bad credentials
2025-03-17T14:56:58.396Z - error: [ui] Could not get Alive web socket URL for 'mygithubname'
Error: Bad credentials
at cn (C:\Users\mywindowsname\AppData\Local\GitHubDesktop\app-3.3.6\webpack:\app\src\lib\http.ts:178:11)
at Xn.getAliveWebSocketURL (C:\Users\mywindowsname\AppData\Local\GitHubDesktop\app-3.3.6\webpack:\app\src\lib\api.ts:848:16)
at Object.createSessionForAccount (C:\Users\mywindowsname\AppData\Local\GitHubDesktop\app-3.3.6\webpack:\app\src\lib\stores\alive-store.ts:170:7)
at Object.subscribeToAccount (C:\Users\mywindowsname\AppData\Local\GitHubDesktop\app-3.3.6\webpack:\app\src\lib\stores\alive-store.ts:227:11)
at Object._subscribeToAccounts (C:\Users\mywindowsname\AppData\Local\GitHubDesktop\app-3.3.6\webpack:\app\src\lib\stores\alive-store.ts:146:37)
2025-03-17T14:56:58.396Z - info: [ui] [fetchProtectedBranches] unable to list protected branches
Error: Bad credentials
at cn (C:\Users\mywindowsname\AppData\Local\GitHubDesktop\app-3.3.6\webpack:\app\src\lib\http.ts:178:11)
at Xn.fetchProtectedBranches (C:\Users\mywindowsname\AppData\Local\GitHubDesktop\app-3.3.6\webpack:\app\src\lib\api.ts:1619:7)
at Za.updateBranchProtectionsFromAPI (C:\Users\mywindowsname\AppData\Local\GitHubDesktop\app-3.3.6\webpack:\app\src\lib\stores\app-store.ts:4123:11)
2025-03-17T14:56:58.397Z - warn: [ui] fetchMentionables: failed for mygithubname/s
Error: Bad credentials
at cn (C:\Users\mywindowsname\AppData\Local\GitHubDesktop\app-3.3.6\webpack:\app\src\lib\http.ts:178:11)
at Xn.fetchMentionables (C:\Users\mywindowsname\AppData\Local\GitHubDesktop\app-3.3.6\webpack:\app\src\lib\api.ts:1824:16)
at mN.constructor.updateMentionables (C:\Users\mywindowsname\AppData\Local\GitHubDesktop\app-3.3.6\webpack:\app\src\lib\stores\github-user-store.ts:90:11)
2025-03-17T14:56:58.607Z - info: [ui] launching: 3.3.6 (Windows 10.0.26100)
2025-03-17T14:56:58.616Z - info: [ui] execPath: 'C:\Users\mywindowsname\AppData\Local\GitHubDesktop\app-3.3.6\GitHubDesktop.exe'
2025-03-17T14:56:59.213Z - info: [ui] Executing getRemotes: git remote -v (took 1.093s)
2025-03-17T14:56:59.214Z - info: [ui] Executing getRemotes: git remote -v (took 1.833s)
2025-03-17T14:56:59.234Z - warn: [ui] Alive channel request failed: Error: Bad credentials
2025-03-17T14:57:00.352Z - warn: [ui] Alive web socket request failed: Error: Bad credentials
2025-03-17T14:57:00.352Z - error: [ui] Could not get Alive web socket URL for 'mygithubname'
Error: Bad credentials
at cn (C:\Users\mywindowsname\AppData\Local\GitHubDesktop\app-3.3.6\webpack:\app\src\lib\http.ts:178:11)
at Xn.getAliveWebSocketURL (C:\Users\mywindowsname\AppData\Local\GitHubDesktop\app-3.3.6\webpack:\app\src\lib\api.ts:848:16)
at Object.createSessionForAccount (C:\Users\mywindowsname\AppData\Local\GitHubDesktop\app-3.3.6\webpack:\app\src\lib\stores\alive-store.ts:170:7)
at Object.subscribeToAccount (C:\Users\mywindowsname\AppData\Local\GitHubDesktop\app-3.3.6\webpack:\app\src\lib\stores\alive-store.ts:227:11)
at Object._subscribeToAccounts (C:\Users\mywindowsname\AppData\Local\GitHubDesktop\app-3.3.6\webpack:\app\src\lib\stores\alive-store.ts:146:37)
2025-03-17T14:57:00.352Z - info: [ui] Stats reported.
2025-03-17T14:57:00.732Z - info: [ui] Executing installGlobalLFSFilter: git lfs install --skip-repo (took 2.151s)
2025-03-17T14:57:00.743Z - warn: [ui] Alive channel request failed: Error: Bad credentials
2025-03-17T14:57:02.157Z - info: [ui] Executing fetch: git -c credential.helper= fetch --progress --prune --recurse-submodules=on-demand origin (took 2.824s)
2025-03-17T14:57:03.739Z - info: [ui] Executing updateRemoteHEAD: git -c credential.helper= remote set-head -a origin (took 1.581s)
2025-03-17T14:57:05.935Z - info: [ui] [SignInStore] initializing OAuth flow
2025-03-17T14:57:05.936Z - info: [main] opening in browser: https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize?0
2025-03-17T14:57:39.593Z - info: [main] Received possible protocol arguments: 4
2025-03-17T14:57:39.595Z - info: [main] Processing protocol url
2025-03-17T14:57:39.597Z - info: [ui] [Dispatcher] requesting authenticated user
2025-03-17T14:57:39.707Z - info: [main] Received possible protocol arguments: 3
2025-03-17T14:57:41.091Z - info: [ui] Executing getSymbolicRef: git symbolic-ref -q refs/remotes/origin/HEAD (took 40.737s)
2025-03-17T14:57:42.148Z - info: [ui] [SignInStore] account resolved
2025-03-17T14:57:42.148Z - info: [ui] [AppStore] adding account mygithubname (mygithubname) to store
2025-03-17T14:57:43.060Z - info: [ui] Subscribed 'mygithubname' to Alive channel
2025-03-17T14:58:07.087Z - info: [ui] [AppStore.withAuthenticatingUser] account found for repository: r - mygithubname (has token)
2025-03-17T14:58:07.166Z - info: [ui] [AppStore] adding repository at D:\Code\not_found_product to store
2025-03-17T14:58:08.688Z - info: [ui] Executing isUsingLFS: git lfs track (took 1.256s)
2025-03-17T14:58:09.447Z - info: [ui] Executing fetch: git -c credential.helper= fetch --progress --prune --recurse-submodules=on-demand origin (took 2.357s)
2025-03-17T14:58:10.921Z - info: [ui] Executing updateRemoteHEAD: git -c credential.helper= remote set-head -a origin (took 1.472s)
2025-03-17T14:58:13.400Z - info: [ui] [AppStore.withAuthenticatingUser] account found for repository: l - mygithubname (has token)
2025-03-17T14:58:16.837Z - info: [ui] Executing fetch: git -c credential.helper= fetch --progress --prune --recurse-submodules=on-demand origin (took 3.431s)
2025-03-17T14:58:18.257Z - info: [ui] Executing updateRemoteHEAD: git -c credential.helper= remote set-head -a origin (took 1.419s)
2025-03-17T14:58:19.981Z - info: [ui] [AppStore.withAuthenticatingUser] account found for repository: j - mygithubname (has token)
2025-03-17T14:58:23.191Z - info: [ui] Executing fetch: git -c credential.helper= fetch --progress --prune --recurse-submodules=on-demand origin (took 3.206s)
2025-03-17T14:58:27.755Z - info: [ui] Executing updateRemoteHEAD: git -c credential.helper= remote set-head -a origin (took 4.559s)
2025-03-17T14:58:33.514Z - info: [ui] [AppStore.withAuthenticatingUser] account found for repository:s - mygithubname (has token)
2025-03-17T14:58:55.046Z - info: [ui] Executing fetch: git -c credential.helper= fetch --progress --prune --recurse-submodules=on-demand origin (took 21.527s)
2025-03-17T14:58:56.835Z - info: [ui] Executing updateRemoteHEAD: git -c credential.helper= remote set-head -a origin (took 1.783s)
2025-03-17T14:59:20.012Z - info: [ui] [AppStore.withAuthenticatingUser] account found for repository: v - mygithubname (has token)
2025-03-17T14:59:22.401Z - info: [ui] Executing fetch: git -c credential.helper= fetch --progress --prune --recurse-submodules=on-demand origin (took 2.387s)
2025-03-17T14:59:24.005Z - info: [ui] Executing updateRemoteHEAD: git -c credential.helper= remote set-head -a origin (took 1.603s)
2025-03-17T14:59:26.258Z - info: [ui] [AppStore.withAuthenticatingUser] account found for repository: q - mygithubname (has token)
2025-03-17T14:59:40.294Z - info: [ui] Executing fetch: git -c credential.helper= fetch --progress --prune --recurse-submodules=on-demand origin (took 14.031s)
2025-03-17T14:59:42.566Z - info: [ui] Executing updateRemoteHEAD: git -c credential.helper= remote set-head -a origin (took 2.266s)
2025-03-17T14:59:43.979Z - info: [ui] [AppStore.withAuthenticatingUser] account found for repository: c - mygithubname (has token)
2025-03-17T14:59:47.600Z - info: [ui] Executing fetch: git -c credential.helper= fetch --progress --prune --recurse-submodules=on-demand origin (took 3.617s)
2025-03-17T14:59:49.307Z - info: [ui] Executing updateRemoteHEAD: git -c credential.helper= remote set-head -a origin (took 1.706s)
2025-03-17T14:59:52.257Z - info: [ui] [AppStore.withAuthenticatingUser] account found for repository: t - mygithubname (has token)
2025-03-17T14:59:55.351Z - info: [ui] Executing fetch: git -c credential.helper= fetch --progress --prune --recurse-submodules=on-demand origin (took 3.090s)
2025-03-17T14:59:56.893Z - info: [ui] Executing updateRemoteHEAD: git -c credential.helper= remote set-head -a origin (took 1.541s)
2025-03-17T14:59:57.094Z - info: [ui] [RepositoryIndicatorUpdater]: Refreshing sidebar indicators for 14 repositories took 91.4s of which 21.3s paused, total 112.7s
2025-03-17T15:00:45.248Z - info: [ui] [AppStore.withAuthenticatingUser] account found for repository: not_found_product - mygithubname (has token)
2025-03-17T15:00:48.208Z - info: [ui] [Timing] Action 'checkout branch from list' for 'mygithubname/not_found_product' took 2.960s
2025-03-17T15:00:54.653Z - info: [ui] [AppStore.withAuthenticatingUser] account found for repository: not_found_product - mygithubname (has token)
2025-03-17T15:01:00.699Z - info: [ui] Executing push: git -c credential.helper= push origin master --set-upstream --progress (took 6.025s)
2025-03-17T15:01:03.029Z - info: [ui] Executing fetch: git -c credential.helper= fetch --progress --prune --recurse-submodules=on-demand origin (took 2.327s)
2025-03-17T15:01:04.956Z - info: [ui] Executing updateRemoteHEAD: git -c credential.helper= remote set-head -a origin (took 1.926s)
2025-03-17T15:01:16.206Z - info: [ui] [AppStore.withAuthenticatingUser] account found for repository: not_found_product - mygithubname (has token)
1 天前
2025-03-17T15:01:18.755Z - info: [ui] Executing fetch: git -c credential.helper= fetch --progress --prune --recurse-submodules=on-demand origin (took 2.539s)
2025-03-17T15:01:20.720Z - info: [ui] Executing updateRemoteHEAD: git -c credential.helper= remote set-head -a origin (took 1.964s)
2025-03-17T15:04:34.078Z - info: [main] Using toast activator CLSID {}
2025-03-17T15:04:34.540Z - info: [ui] [AppStore] loading 15 repositories from store
2025-03-17T15:04:34.541Z - info: [ui] [AppStore] found account: mygithubname (mygithubname)
2025-03-17T15:04:34.554Z - info: [ui] [BranchPruner] Last prune took place 5 minutes ago - skipping
2025-03-17T15:04:35.074Z - info: [ui] launching: 3.3.6 (Windows 10.0.26100)
2025-03-17T15:04:35.075Z - info: [ui] execPath: 'C:\Users\mywindowsname\AppData\Local\GitHubDesktop\app-3.3.6\GitHubDesktop.exe'
2025-03-17T15:04:35.673Z - info: [ui] Subscribed 'mygithubname' to Alive channel
2025-03-17T15:07:31.876Z - info: [ui] [Timing] Action 'checkout branch from list' for 'mygithubname/not_found_product' took 0.000s
2025-03-17T15:11:17.909Z - info: [ui] [RepositoryIndicatorUpdater]: Refreshing sidebar indicators for 14 repositories took 17.3s of which 216.9s paused, total 234.2s
2025-03-17T15:19:35.193Z - info: [ui] [AppStore] adding repository at D:\Code\ad to store
2025-03-17T15:19:36.599Z - info: [ui] Executing isUsingLFS: git lfs track (took 1.162s)
2025-03-17T15:22:37.670Z - info: [ui] Executing push: git -c credential.helper= push origin main --set-upstream --progress (took 2.933s)
2025-03-17T15:22:39.760Z - info: [ui] Executing fetch: git -c credential.helper= fetch --progress --prune --recurse-submodules=on-demand origin (took 2.084s)
2025-03-17T15:22:41.708Z - info: [ui] Executing updateRemoteHEAD: git -c credential.helper= remote set-head -a origin (took 1.942s)
2025-03-17T15:40:24.559Z - info: [ui] [RepositoryIndicatorUpdater]: Refreshing sidebar indicators for 15 repositories took 14.5s of which 1041.6s paused, total 1056.1s
2025-03-17T15:43:18.225Z - info: [ui] [RepositoryIndicatorUpdater]: Refreshing sidebar indicators for 15 repositories took 14.0s of which 0.0s paused, total 14.0s

上面是 github desktop 的日志
1 天前
感谢 grok3 ,通过 git reflog --date=iso 找到了
21 小时 27 分钟前
我唯一一条记住的命令就是 git reflog 。。。其他操作全用 idea
19 小时 33 分钟前
本地只要 commit 过,都可以通过 git reflog 找回来

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