[外企] [星展银行] [DBS] [新加坡] [后端开发] [Manager] [Team Lead]

4 天前
RenchuanXiao  RenchuanXiao


星展银行,简称 DBS 。具体公司背景网上自行搜索。

星展银行在中国广州设立了新的研发中心,简称DTC(DBS Tech China)

联系我: renchuan.xiao1@gmail.com


Team Lead, Application Developer, Consumer Banking - (WD73022)

As Development Lead, you will lead a team of 10 people

Development Lead, Fullstack - (WD72964)



SVP, Team Head, Application Development - (WD72754)

Business Function

Group Technology enables and empowers the bank with an efficient, nimble and resilient infrastructure through a strategic focus on productivity, quality & control, technology, people capability and innovation. In Group Technology, we digitalise majority of the Bank's operational processes and inspire to delight our business partners through our multiple banking delivery channels.

We are seeking a dynamic, talented and passionate technologist to join the team and lead the Finance, Risk and Legal domain of technology unit across core agenda of people, talent, architecture and delivery on a global scale.

Passion for our customers is key as we'll look to you and your team to adopt an outside-in perspective to truly understand what our customers are looking for and how we can better help them manage their everyday banking that goes with that whenever, wherever they need it

As the technology leader you will be well experienced in building high performing technology team, driving major cultural and operating model transformation, working in collaboration with multiple stakeholders to deliver the technology roadmap in partnership with the business.

You'll be leveraging cloud native, high performance distributed architecture, AI and API first principles to deliver desired technology capabilities to support our strategic roadmap.

Roles & Responsibilities


Are you experienced in…

1635 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
6 条回复
3 天前
15 年经验的 lead ,20k 新币还差不多
3 天前
咋又是 java
3 天前
虽然但是,才 8%的公积金?
3 天前
跟楼主或者 job 没有利益关系 不过

@hahasong 银行和支付正常很多都是 java 呀= =

@cubecube 这就是广州比较惨的地方->_->公积金 5-8%的很多,深圳工作过的都是 10% 12%,希望早日看齐到 12%
2 天前
2 天前
@BrightSphere good luck

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