欢迎有高性能计算、计算机体系结构背景,具有一定编程能力、数据分析能力的同学来投简历。如果还接触过 Computer Vision、Machine Learning 那就更好啦!实习工资没记错的话是每月4k(非全勤也是这个数)。简历请直接发我的邮箱 mlv#
-------------- 以下为原JD -------------
The NVIDIA GPU Computing Architecture group is seeking intern candidates with backgrounds in computer architecture and compute science to join our effort to advance the state of parallel computing. Our team is designing the fastest and most efficient parallel architectures that power energy-efficient smart phones and the world's fastest super computers.
• Develop innovative HW, GPU and system architectures to extend the state of the art in performance, programmability, efficiency and reliability
Analyze and prototype key algorithms for new GPU architectures
• Collaborate across the company to guide the direction of GPU computing, working with software, research and product teams
• Strong programming skills in C, C++, CUDA, Perl, OpenMP, MPI or Python
• Strong background in computer architecture, compilers, parallel processing
• Experience in systems-level performance modeling, profiling, and analysis
• Experience in characterizing and modeling system-level performance, executing comparison studies, and documenting and publishing results
• Strong background in computer vision, machine learning is plus
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