有人用过 ArangoDB 数据库吗?给人感觉好高端,有眼前一亮的感觉

2014-05-19 15:01:52 +08:00
支持document / graph db / key-value

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9 条回复
2014-05-19 16:57:38 +08:00
2014-05-19 18:14:18 +08:00
@pythonee rethinkdb很慢吧
2014-05-19 18:15:25 +08:00
最重要的是这个数据库支持graph database,类似于OrientDB或者neo4j这种,不过好像性能也很一般,用的人很少
2014-05-20 12:08:04 +08:00
刚开始了解,跟 MongoDB 对比一下(也刚了解),多功能,提供 Graph 储存方式,以及可扩展的 AQL 语言,的确是大亮点。

新版的 Arango 使用 64 位无符号整数(或对应的字符串)作为每个 collection 的 ID,似乎是有意支持超大批量数据。document 使用 JSON 格式储存,而 MongoDB 使用 BSON 格式(同时支持更多类型的变量)。

ArangoDB 和其它 DBMS 的小对比: https://www.arangodb.org/faq#how-does-arangodb-differ-from-mongodb-and-couchdb
和 MongoDB 在获取数据时的对比(关于共时操作): https://www.arangodb.org/faq#cursors-in-arangodb-vs-cursors-in-mongodb

RethinkDB 和 ArangoDB 大体上比较相似,RethinkDB 和 MongoDB 的较详细对比: http://rethinkdb.com/docs/comparison-tables/

似乎 ArangoDB 的 ACID 支持是最好的,支持 Multi-Collection Transaction。
我觉得最值得关注的就是储存格式,数据恢复措施,还有共时性支持。MongoDB 更能适合简单又不失便利的低配置要求应用。ArangoDB 看似比 RethinkDB 更复杂和强大一点。
2017-12-08 08:34:27 +08:00
我们是江苏时光信息科技有限公司( http://www.qingtime.com),我们在用 arangodb,用来搭建社交网络服务、家族谱系数据服务、知识管理服务和项目协同服务,感觉很酷很爽。

以前用过 mysql、mangodb、neo4j,集成太痛苦,所以统统换掉。all in one,的确提高了开发效率,降低了用人成本。

国内貌似只有我们一家真正的用在大型商业项目中,如还有的同道,欢迎 post。
2017-12-08 08:46:18 +08:00
另外我们正积极的参与 arangodb.com 的中文文档翻译工作,希望能对促进 arangodb 在中国的推广。

thanks for your kind offer to translate our documentation. Our four current gitbooks contain a lot of content, and they are a moving target - we edit things here and there all the time, in at least one version of them, but sometimes all from 3.1 to devel as well. Considering the amount of content in the docs and its evolving nature, translating every little bit seems like a pretty huge project and so far you are the only one who offered a Russian translation. This said, we would like to ask you to start with the recently added AQL tutorial to limit the scope to one important group of pages that we assume are very useful to a lot of beginners, while not consisting of too much text to translate.

For now, you can put the files in an own repository. We have yet to come up with a concept for docs and learning material in other languages, where to put them and if/how we can host them. Adding translated books to the current system it not easily possible, especially without breaking existing URLs on the web. Adding 3rd party content to the main repository also brings up licensing questions.

If you need support to e.g. create a gitbook and put it in a github repository, let me know.

Best, Simran
2018-04-30 08:34:46 +08:00
@laser arangodb 的企业版怎么收费的啊,社区版够用的么,可不可以加 qq 讨论下,1147595470
2018-11-07 15:39:54 +08:00
@laser 能给我讲讲你是怎么是用的 arangodb 吗?我 QQ 319852550
2018-11-07 15:41:07 +08:00
@laser 可以加一下我 QQ 吗 ? 319852550,请教几个问题

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