mongoose 怎么 populate 别的集合的子文档?

2014-06-13 15:49:09 +08:00
I can't find it with populate, o.B is a objectId, is undefined.

BSchema is a subdocument of ASchema, CSchema has a ref connection of BSchema.

I want to find all CSchema which CSchema's name is "c_xxx", and shows CSchema's B's name and its A's name.

Like this result: {CName:"c_xxx",BName:"b_xxx",AName:"a_xxx"}
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所在节点    MongoDB
2 条回复
2014-06-13 16:42:57 +08:00
when populate fields, it only works if there is ref to children from the parent schema
2014-06-13 23:21:27 +08:00
@shuson 看来这种情况用不了populate,只能手动一条条查了.
怎么等待CSchema.find({ 执行完毕? 我再手动将结果构造成json

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