[北京]招几个运维开发 DevOps

2014-06-20 18:29:51 +08:00
期望您热爱技术。联系邮箱 talent@isofttalent.com

1. 搭建基础运维架构,在开源软件基础上二次开发,构建IaaS基础设施平台层,用技术满足业务发展需求;
2. 维护各项基础/应用服务,监控主机/服务运行状态,保障业务稳定运行,保障基础设施平稳运行;
3. 制定和优化运维解决方案,例如容灾、防攻击、扩容、备份等;
4. 全方位的性能优化,推动及开发高效的自动化运维、管理工具;
1. Linux骨灰级玩家,两年以上Linux系统管理经验,拥有一年以上开发经验;
2. 精通网络、操作系统原理,熟练使用Shell、Python、C、Go等至少2种语言;
3. 具备很强的分析和解决问题的能力,良好的沟通、组织协调和强烈的责任心;
4. 熟悉下列关键词的优先:DevOps/KVM/LNMP/Zabbix/Puppet/Chef/Nagios;
5. 熟悉下列关键词的优先:Mesos/Docker/Cloud/App Engine;
6. 来自互联网行业的优先, 比如美团,豌豆荚,美餐网等,做过二次开发及系统运维。



Strong desire to work in a fast-paced dynamic environment where you have a lot of responsibilities and see immediate impact of your efforts.
Expert knowledge of Linux / Unix systems
Significant programming experience in Python and Shell Scripts.
You love efficiency and find smart ways to automate tasks for you and your team.
Exceptional ability and motivation to solve problems and learn fast.
Good English speaker.


Software development background is a big plus
Knowledge of Hybrid Cloud Solutions (Amazon Cloud, Aliyun, ChinaCache + other Chinese services) with hands on experience in direct API integration.
Some experience with Puppet or Chef
Experience programming in Java, Ruby
Previous experience as an OPS/Sys Admin team member
Systems & Application Security background
Knowledge of Orchestration & Virtualization Frameworks
A GitHub account with some cool projects in it
Experienced in developing custom solutions for systems monitoring, deployments, continuous integration, etc.
Solid understanding of systems monitoring, alerting and analytics (NewRelic, Cactai, Graphite, Log Stash, Nagios, Ganglia etc.)
Experience with production systems and dealing with production issues
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