# Info
朋友认识一个 LED 灯泡厂老板,前些日子办了一个网站让一家网络公司维护并优化其 SEO,好让该公司的产品在谷歌排名能挤在前面。
据说,SEO 已经搞了三个月但是不见什么成效,于是灯泡厂准备起诉这家公司。我觉得灯泡厂官网做的中规中矩,但没有独特的广告 campaign,在内容上很难有 distinguishable keywords;官网的 blog 更新的内容就像是从维基百科抄的用来应付差事的文章,没有深入的 successful stories;官方推特和其他社交媒体更新的内容全是些没有信息量的垃圾。
各位 v2exers 大神,走过路过如果有空不妨从技术角度给点建议,看是否是这家网络公司应付差事。
http://ledlights4you.co.uk/# PS Email
We have only being SEO for about 3 months Google takes 8-12 weeks to index everything.
Things we are working
I am getting more content written for you in key areas of the website
We are still doing on-page SEO
We are working off-page SEO and are currently working on articles for you too.
We have written articles for you on subjects that relate to your business then we put them forward for submissions.
Also we now have you on the first page of Google for 240v led lights, this is a really good result.
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V2EX is a community of developers, designers and creative people.