The Mac Freebie Bundle 3.0 - 7 Top Mac Apps! (Stacksocial Giveaway)
1. X-Mirage
Mirror Everything From Your iOS Devices To Your Mac
2. ClipBuddy
Record & Organize Everything You Cut/Copy To This Comprehensive Clipboard Manager
3. Elmedia Player Pro
Download Streaming Video With This Simple Flash Player
4. cf/x Mosaic
Seamlessly Turn Your Photos & Pictures Into Tile Art
5. Vidiary Video Journal App
Drop The Pen & Paper & Tell Your Story Through Video
6. Bits
The Ultimate Diary App That Connects Directly to Your Blog
7. Sweetie
Stylize Images & Turn Them Into Beautiful Text Art
This bundle is free
Software is completely downloadable instantly upon purchase
Software includes all minor upgrades
Upon purchase you need to follow the redemption instructions located in your account to activate your software
Note : Sale ends in 3 days
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