[北京] UI 新人招聘,有北美成熟 UI 团队指导

2014-07-22 10:05:42 +08:00

Company Overview:
Every day, Imagine Communications is delivering billions of media moments all over the world — anywhere, anytime and on any device.

Imagine Communications delivers innovative, end-to-end media software and networking solutions to over 3,000 customers in more than 185 countries, including the top broadcast facilities and the most technologically advanced sports and live-event venues. Today, we’re driving an industry transformation by investing deeply in a new generation of media enabled by IP, virtualization, cloud infrastructure and software-defined networks.

At Imagine Communications, groundbreaking work is part of our everyday environment. All our employees play a vital role in our organization, helping the media industry enable instant access to moments that matter. Wherever your skills fit in our business — from engineering and sales to service and support — you’ll find you gain much more than just a job. At Imagine Communications, you’ll gain the opportunity to contribute to the transformation that’s taking place in the way the world is consuming media.

If you’re looking to join a market leader and take your career to the next level, contact us today!
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