Calling all Ruby/Node.js/Django experts

2014-08-01 16:57:15 +08:00
Gnep  Gnep

Hi all,

To give you some background on VisualOps itself and the idea of an instant app & stack. VisualOps is a DevOps automation service. It allows you to visually build your own OpsWorks-like PaaS in the cloud and poses no constraints on your application.

The idea is to offer prebuilt stacks (templates) so users can deploy an app in a matter of seconds, with the option to customize it to their requirements. We already have some ready-made stacks in store; Mongo DB, Wordpess, Nginx and more. We’d like to add Ruby, Node JS and Django into the repo, or ideally multiple stacks dependent on use case.

I’m hoping to connect with people with expert knowledge on Ruby, Node.js and Python. We’re about to start working on some new stacks (ready to launch app templates) for our ‘Instant App’ feature and would like to hear your thoughts; anywhere from suggestions to potential hurdles.

In order to create the best possible app stack we would greatly appreciate your expertise and insight. I look forward to your comments and suggestions. If you’d like to discuss it in more detail please feel free to email me directly at

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所在节点   程序员  程序员
2 条回复
2014-08-01 22:42:31 +08:00
do you have anything for us to try out?
2014-08-02 17:28:46 +08:00

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