Deploy An Nginx Server
Refer to official site:
http://wiki.nginx.org/Install Brief:
apt-get install nginx
To control: nginx -s [ stop | quit | reopen | reload ]
Configuration files are placed in /etc/nginx/:
sites-enabled/ and conf.d/* will be included in nginx.conf
And sites-available/ is used for customization, linked as symbol into sites-enabled/.
1. Basic http server example
2. Basic forward proxy example
Deploy A Docker for Discourse on DO
Refer to official tutorial:
https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/docs/INSTALL-digital-ocean.md To use it along with Nginx, we need below extra steps since default 80 port is occupied already:
1. Modify /var/docker/containers/app.yml
## which TCP/IP ports should this container expose?
- "4578:80" # fwd host port 4578 to container port 80 (http)
- "2222:22" # fwd host port 2222 to container port 22 (ssh)
2. Add a conf for Nginx to tell him to forward specific request to port 4578.
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