VPS 定时重启, 你们有木有这种问题 ?

2011-05-12 10:57:48 +08:00
Linode Fremont 鸡房的.
都是 02:05,

检查系统log , 没问题 ,初步怀疑,系统没有问题,你是被上级系统杀死的 :(

你们在 Fremont t 鸡房的 VPS 有没有碰到过 ?

reboot system boot 2.6.38-x86_64-li Wed May 11 10:11 - 02:05 (15:54)
reboot system boot 2.6.38-x86_64-li Tue May 10 01:49 - 02:05 (2+00:16)
reboot system boot 2.6.38-x86_64-li Sun May 8 07:14 - 02:05 (3+18:50)
reboot system boot 2.6.38-x86_64-li Fri May 6 12:25 - 02:05 (5+13:40)
2510 次点击
所在节点    Linode
5 条回复
2011-05-12 11:22:34 +08:00
联系客服,好像是最新的 Paravirt 内核的问题,一个推友告诉我的
2011-05-12 11:30:26 +08:00
2011-05-12 12:24:38 +08:00




Please accept our apologies for the confusion. As Lee advised, "Lassie" is our shutdown watchdog and is designed to kick in when a Linode has unexpectedly powered off or rebooted. Upon referencing your previous console log, it appears that your Linode suffered a kernel panic which prompted the reboot and subsequently Lassie kicking in. I've notified our development team of this issue, however in the meantime I'd suggest rolling back to our previous paravirt kernel release to prevent this issue from happening again. You can do this by following these steps:

1) Navigate to the "Linodes" tab.
2) Select your Linode from the list.
3) Click the "My Ubuntu 10.10 64bit Profile" configuration profile link.
4) Select "" from the "Kernel" drop-down menu.
5) Click the "Save Changes" button.
6) Click the "Reboot" button on the Linode Manager dashboard to boot into the selected kernel.

Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused you. Please let us know if we can be of any additional assistance.

2011-05-12 12:38:32 +08:00
谢谢, 我也开了个 ticket , 正在等答案, 这个太奇怪了, 定点重启 :)
2011-05-12 13:22:00 +08:00
linode 回复 还是挺快的, 应该是个内核问题, 我去换下 在看看


I'm sorry to hear about the issues that you experienced. It looks like your Linode hit a bug in the kernel which caused the kernel to panic. This information has been forwarded to our administrators for research. In the mean time I would recommend editing your configuration profile in the Linode Manager so that your kernel is set to Once you've made that change click "Save" and reboot your Linode.

Let us know if I can be of any further assistance.

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