[上海] + [静安外企] + [UI 设计师]

2014-09-01 17:29:59 +08:00
Clairesheng  Clairesheng
* 你将与一群出色的同事一起在市中心一个很棒的办公室里一同工作,
* 你将能学到很多,并利用最新的技术完成极富挑战的项目,
* 一台Macbook Air和外接显示器;
* 一把Ergohuman椅子(或一个瑜伽球如果你喜欢的话);
* 灵活的工作时间(并且没有加班);
* 免费的零食和饮料;
* 每周的团队午餐和每月的团队晚餐(想吃什么、想玩什么任你选!)。

一句话概括,[Wiredcraft](http://wiredcraft.com) 使用各种开源技术制作基于 Web 及移动平台的应用程序。

我们专注于解决实际问题,如制作高负载网站、制作移动平台API、海量数据的分析和呈现等等;并且涉猎许多领域(http://wiredcraft.com/#services),如性能优化、用户界面与体验、多语种及移动平台支持、第三方API整合等等。目前为止,我们主要使用 Drupal进行开发工作,但我们也精通许多其它技术如 NGINX, Python, jQuery, Solr, Sphinx, Puppet, Android, node.js等等。

我们是一个年轻的公司,但已拥有很多著名客户,如 CNN, the United Nations, IFES, PopCap Games, Nvidia, 及其它一些非政府组织(NGO)和美国政府机构等等。


* Strong UI and UX skills. You can quickly draft a UI for a mobile/Web app on a notebook or a whiteboard. You can also explain your choices when it comes to UI elements and workflow.
* Design chops. You can design a polished version of your drafts using Photoshop, Inkscape or Illustrator (though). You're comfortable with colors, layouts and fonts. We'd love for you to have illustration skills too, but it's not a deal-breaker.
* Passion for learning and shipping. We are constantly challenging ourselves and spend a good deal of time learning new things and experimenting. Our team is constantly collaborating and sharing knowledge. That being said, at the end of the day we're still focused on shipping.
* We could go on and on about all kinds of other traits that job ads usually mention ("attention to detail", "team player"...), but we're convinced that if you're good at what you do and love practicing your craft these are more or less incidental.

Bonus points if you have experience with implementing interfaces (HTML, CSS, JS...) and Open Source.


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