關於已解鎖的 iPhone
已解鎖的 iPhone 具備所有 iPhone 功能,但不連流動網絡服務合約。你可以自行啟用,並在支援的 GSM 無線網絡上使用 iPhone。已解鎖的 iPhone 6 或 iPhone 6 Plus 並不兼容 CDMA 流動網絡供應商。已解鎖的 iPhone 6 或 iPhone 6 Plus 可能未有支援所有國家或地區的 4G LTE 網絡,請聯絡服務供應商以了解詳情
About the unlocked iPhone
The unlocked iPhone includes all the features of iPhone but without a wireless contract commitment. You can activate and use iPhone on the supported GSM wireless network of your choice. The unlocked iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus will not work with CDMA-based carriers. An unlocked iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus may not support LTE networks in all other countries; contact service providers for details.
来源:点击页面里:“進一步了解已解鎖的 iPhone”
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