[硅谷公司]Senior Java Engineer

2014-09-18 09:35:03 +08:00
About Marin

Marin Software is an advanced and leading company in online advertising management and also an Engineering company in San Francisco. Marin provides the same or high salary and benefits with Google/Microsoft. Besides, you have great chances to visit American and work there for a period of time.


Design, build, and unit test object-oriented software in a collaborative environment
Build scalable, stable, and efficient processes to collect, manipulate, present, and analyze large datasets.
Passion for developing efficient, testable and well-documented code
Mentor junior software engineers


2+(3+ preferred) years relevant work experience.
Object Oriented Programming (Java, C++) and design (UML, patterns)
Unit testing (JUnit) and documentation (Javadoc)
Experience developing distributed systems, especially data stores
Database systems and algorithmic development (RDBMS, OLAP, Structured Storage)
Experience building intensive data driven applications
BS/MS/Ph.D. in Computer Science


Send your resume to : lzhuo@marinsoftware.com
Note: You must have confidence and make sure you are master of algorithms and data structures before sending me your resume
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