Android L 移植版现在多了一个 smart-art

2014-09-20 18:34:59 +08:00
11813 次点击
所在节点    Android
4 条回复
2014-09-20 18:36:59 +08:00
now using smart-art
We were using basic art, the actual preview was using interpret only.
I tried full art and smart-art and it seems smart-art is faster.
I wanted to try artd but we don't have the artd binary so that was out of the question.
2014-09-20 18:56:57 +08:00
Not exactly sure to be honest. @defconoi found it while digging through the art source. It has to do with art compiler flags and have the option of artd (which we don't have) art, art-full, art interpret only, and smart-art.
We were using plain art, the official preview was using interpret only so I decided to play around with it and it seems using smart-art is a bit smoother.

From what it looks like it has to do with compiling the apps ahead of time and when and how to do it.

I also turned the art profiler back on too

2014-09-22 14:46:48 +08:00
正在使用N5 Enhanced B7.01 日常使用很不错
2014-10-14 15:56:23 +08:00
@zzWinD 正在使用N4 stable 9001

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