Source 的众多 PS 插件,打包购买,仅需要$25,原价$134

2014-10-09 13:25:21 +08:00
jetbillwin  jetbillwin

CSS Hat 2: Translate any Photoshop Layer into CSS instantly. Get font styles and paragraph styles directly in CSS
PNG Hat: Reinvented Photoshop slicing. Instead of spending 45 seconds slicing/exporting layers, you'll only spend 10 seconds.
iOS Hat: Turn Photoshop layers into Objective-C or Swift code. With this plugin, you can code and build iOS apps way faster.
Subtle Patterns Photoshop Plugin: This plugin takes all the free tileable patterns from Subtle Patterns and feeds them directly into your Photoshop panel.
Picjumbo Photoshop Plugin: This plugin feeds the whole Picjumbo stock photo library into your Photoshop panel.
PSD Cleaner: Easily find and fix messy layers in your PSDs. The cleaner your layers, the cleaner your work.
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