pomotodo 专业版一个月兑换码

2014-10-13 08:39:45 +08:00
Introducing A Bettter Pomotodo

Hi fangzhzh,

Over the past several months, we’ve been working on creating a better productivity tool. Today, it's finally here! Introducing a better Pomotodo.

Pomotodo Pro

We are very excited to announce Pomotodo Pro. We got a lot of Pro features to help you improve your workflow and customize Pomotodo: Sub-todo, Repeat, Notes, Pomo Goals, Weekly Reports, Customized Pomo Duration, etc.

We’d like to offer you a redeem code of One Month Pro Account: XXXXXXX

Furthermore, we want to give you an extra code of One Month Pro Account that you can give to your friend: 1C2F90D200F7

Learn more about Pomotodo Pro and redeem the code now →

New Features

We also added the following new features to standard verison of Pomotodo:

Tag Statistics
New Help Center
Todo History

Pomotodo is now available on Web, Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, and Chrome.

Check out Pomotodo Apps →

Updated Terms of Service

We’ve updated our Terms of Use. You can head over to our website to Learn more about what’s changed →

If you have any questions about these changes, contact us through Help Center →


Pomotodo team

Furthermore, we want to give you an extra code of One Month Pro Account that you can give to your friend: 1C2F90D200F7

我个人是pomotodo的重度用户, 估计这里有一些人是用这个的,因为不知道这个pro码是不是全部basic用户都发的,那我就权当有的人没有兑换码.

871 次点击
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1 条回复
2015-05-11 01:07:35 +08:00

其實 Pomotodo 很便宜,用支付寶一年才 50 RMB,我剛才想付錢才發現我的銀行卡沒辦法關聯,Paypal 帳戶的問題又還沒解決...只好上來找 redeem code...哈

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