Authentic8 browser

2011-06-08 14:36:17 +08:00
claliu  claliu

Authentic8 browser (currently based on the Firefox codebase) actually runs remotely on a virtual server in the cloud, though to the end-user it appears that the browser runs locally. Each time a user accesses Authentic8, a “fresh” browser is built from scratch in private server environment. As a result, any malicious code encountered hits Authentic8’s servers, not the end-user’s. When a browsing session is over, the server instance is trashed, leaving no trace of of a user’s personal data or browsing history behind.

Finally, Authentic8 can manage a user’s login and password information, encrypting and submitting login credentials on the user’s behalf. Of course, all communication between the user and the Authentic8 service is encrypted, over their secure protocol.

Sign up for early access

Authentic8 is co-founded by Scott Petry (Postini’s founder) and Ramesh Rajagopal (Postini’s VP Corporate Development)

(Postini was acquired by Google for $625m)
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2 条回复
2011-06-14 16:04:10 +08:00
结合了官方网站和国外一些介绍资料,稍作翻译后发表在TechWeb了,欢迎围观 ^^
2011-06-14 17:19:08 +08:00
a disposable browser,这玩意儿估计可以拿来日方校长的杰作,云端和客户端数据传输基于 p2p 就好了

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