看了下FAQ, 先deploy了个静态站
# dotcloud deploy -h
You can chose among the following services:
java host any Java servlet (also Clojure, Play!, and much more)
mongodb scalable, high-performance, document-oriented database
mysql the world's most popular open source database
nodejs run JavaScript processes (including web apps)
perl host any Perl/PSGI web app: Plack, Mojolicious, Dancer...
php host any PHP web app: Drupal, WordPress...
php-worker run background PHP processes
postgresql the world's most advanced open source database
python host any Python/WSGI web app: Django, Pylons, Web2py...
python-worker run background Python processes
rabbitmq AMQP message queue server
redis advanced key-value store
ruby host any Ruby/Rack web app: Rails, Sinatra...
ruby-worker run background Ruby processes
smtp authenticated SMTP relay to send e-mails reliably
solr the search server based on the Lucene Java search library
static host static HTTP content
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