授权 twitter 的时候提示要升级浏览器

2014-11-17 21:26:14 +08:00

Upgrade browser

IFTTT requires a modern browser to work its magic correctly. Your current browser isn’t compatible.

IFTTT is compatible with the latest version of all major browsers and with Internet Explorer 8 and newer.

You appear to be using a recent version of Internet Explorer in “Compatibility View.” Please turn off “Compatibility View” in order to use IFTTT.

我用的 Windows 8.1,IE11,兼容性视图压根就没开啊,这是怎么回事?
7287 次点击
所在节点    IFTTT
1 条回复
2014-11-17 23:41:13 +08:00
用chrome 啊,推荐mychrome, https://code.google.com/p/my-chrome/

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