上次发过一次, 但朋友回复, 响应不大好, 只收到两份简历, 这次薪资有所上浮,希望有意愿换工作的朋友看一下。
About gams:
Located in Shanghai, gams is a technology company that is building an environmental monitoring
solution. Our company has developed an air quality monitoring system that provides end-users with
real-time information about the environment around them. Air quality data is delivered through our
smartphone app, admin dashboard, TV/tablet display, or custom interface.
Job Description:
Our current team of engineers is tackling such problems as hardware miniaturization to infrastructure
scalability. The candidate will join an experienced team of talented engineers to continue to develop the
backend part of the solution. The solution leverages a strong and scalable API supported by an efficient
database. Keep in mind, there are a lot of IT aspects involved in this line of work. It will be a very
challenging and demanding position, but will prove to be a unique opportunity to gain unparalleled
experience and knowledge working in the IT industry.
Skills/Qualifications: None of those are mandatory.
Problem solving.
Emphasis on details and creating value through delivery and completion of tasks.
Strong learning aptitude with good listening skills.
Basic level of English, oral and written.
Web technologies (HTML5/CSS/JS), knowledge of frameworks is a plus.
Modern dynamic language (Python/Ruby/other).
NoSQL (redis) or relational database (PostgreSQL, MySQL).
Writing documentation.
帮朋友发的招聘,上面是官方的招聘, 其实要求很简单, 编程语言是python, 熟悉html, css, js,
如果了解django则更好。需一年以上工作经验, 英文工作环境, 学习英文的好机会~
薪水: 一年以上:8K起, 资深者面议。
简历投递邮箱: stefan at
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