vCPU: 2 cores vRAM: 2 GB vHard Drive: 60 GB Block Storage: $0.000184 per hour Internet IP Address Pool: 1 Zone: Berlin VDC Name: Berlin Zone: Paris VDC Name: Paris Zone: Milan VDC Name: Milan Zone: Amsterdam VDC Name: Amsterdam Zone: Slough VDC Name: Slough Zone: London2 VDC Name: London Zone: Geneva2 VDC Name: Geneva Zone: Madrid VDC Name: Madrid Zone: New York VDC Name: New York ============================= 中间的Block Storage: $0.000184 per hour怎么回事?
2014-11-28 10:48:12 +08:00
Order Details This is pre-authorisation transaction! Goods will be shipped before info Wednesday, 3 December 2014 You are paying USD 1.00 with visa Total payment amount USD 1.00 Card Number XXXX XXXX XXXX 3475 Card Expiry Date XX/2019 Card Holder Name LI XXXX XXX =================================== 建行VISA单标卡可以支付。 没试中信全币通。 没有招行全币种。
2014-11-28 10:52:00 +08:00
We're sorry, but we are not able to process your payment for service. Please try again or select a different payment method. ========================================== 看来不行。建行也不行。:doge: