sketch 3.2 推送更新( 12 月 3 日)

2014-12-04 10:13:51 +08:00
New Google Material Design template and artboard sizes.
Adds support for Sketch-Mirror and @3x scaling.
Align and Distribute tools now work for Vector points too.
You can now measure the distance from a shape to a grid or guide line using the Alt key as well.
Alt + click on the Inspector's align buttons to align the entire selection with their parent artboard.
Added a new preference to choose the resolution to which bitmaps are flattened when doing Layer › Flatten Selection to Bitmap.
When rotating objects, the pivot point can now be moved.
Shift+Return now inserts a line break instead of a paragraph break in text editing mode.

之前beta 版时的介绍:
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所在节点    Sketch
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