The IE can have a better view - tittle bar suggestion and more
Hi, the following is what I think the IE should be:
1. fully using the tittle bar. Current version of IE the tittle bar is left blank by default. Compare to other browser I think “full screen” version of negivation bar is better than current “Maximized” version (I don't think I can spell it correctly.) - all thing in one simple line, and I get the maximun view space.
PS: compare to chrome, ie has more view space on maximized view. If there is any way make the full screen view's negivate bar stay there, I will share it with my friends.
2. smaller right mause menu. Since most of item may not useful but when you open the menu these item DO delays my thinking speed, why don't you just cut it up?
3. smaller menu bar. current version menu bar is hided by default. But when you really want to find something in it… man, it is painful - both my eyes and my head are painful…
In one word, smaller is better…(an chinese student and just transfrom from google chrome to ie 11) I think I had just made a loooong article.
以上是原文,其实我想说的是 IE 全屏模式下的那个标题栏长的很好看,省空间又好用,对比 firefox 和 chrome 的全屏模式、最大化模式,个人认为都是最好用的。。。其他都算是顺带一提。。。只是没有办法不让它隐藏起来。。。
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