Org-Mode 7.6 发布

2011-07-07 15:42:43 +08:00
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2011-07-07 22:08:39 +08:00

From: Bastien <bzg <at>>
Subject: Release 7.6
Newsgroups: gmane.emacs.orgmode
Date: 2011-07-07 07:16:24 GMT (6 hours and 48 minutes ago)

Dear all,

I'm releasing Org 7.6.

You can get it from the website as an archive:

Apologies for the delay between 7.5 and 7.6 -- it has been hectic times.
I owe a big *thank* to everyone who maintain a high level of activity,
both in the code and on the mailing list.

In particular: Carsten, Eric Schulte, Nicolas Goaziou, David Maus,
Julien Danjou, Jambunathan K, Michael Brand, Achim Gratz, Eric S. Fraga,
Nick Dokos, Lawrence Mitchell, Memnon Anon, Bernt Hansen, Sébastien
Vauban, Thomas S. Dye, Manuel Giraud, Karl Voit, Huy, ... and many
more! Thanks to all.

The highlight of this release is the new ODT exporter, which lives in
the contrib/ directory but will soon make its way to the core: kudos to
Jambunathan for this addition, and thanks to him for his patience.

Below is the (incomplete) list of changes:

Version 7.6

New features and user-visible improvements

Integration of Jambunathan's OpenDocumentText Exporter

* Activation

Org-mode 7.6 supports exporting to OpenDocument Text (=odt=)
format using org-odt.el. Depending on how you installed Org,
this module can be enabled in one of the following ways:

1. If you have downloaded the Org from the Web, either as a
distribution or =.tar.gz= file, or as a Git archive,
enable the =odt= option in the variable =org-modules=.

2. If you are using Org-mode 7.6 that comes bundled with
Emacs-24.0.50 (or future Emacs-24.1), then you can install the
OpenDocumentText exporter using the package manager. Check
the list of available packages with =M-x list-packages= and
install the =org-odt= package.

Thanks a lot to Jambunathan K for this great contribution.

* Keybindings

The following interactive commands are provided:

1. =C-c C-e o= (=org-export-as-odt=): Export as an =odt= file.

2. =C-c C-e O= (=org-export-as-odt-and-open=): Export as an =odt=
file and open the resulting file.

See the =contrib/odt/ file for further details; you
may check in particular the commands =M-x org-lparse= and =M-x

Ob-Lilypond -- new Babel language to allow score generation

ob-lilypond - an org-babel language, provided to allow LilyPond
music score generation, complete with optional auditioning via
midi, whilst leveraging the full power of org mode, and literate
programming. See [] for more

Thanks to Martyn Jago for this addition.

Org-Bibtex -- major improvements

Provides support for managing bibtex bibliographical references
data in headline properties. Each headline corresponds to a
single reference and the relevant bibliographic meta-data is
stored in headline properties, leaving the body of the headline
free to hold notes and comments. Org-bibtex is aware of all
standard bibtex reference types and fields.

The key new functions are

org-bibtex-check: queries the user to flesh out all required
(and with prefix argument optional) bibtex fields available
for the specific reference =type= of the current headline.

org-bibtex-create: Create a new entry at the given level,
using org-bibtex-check to flesh out the relevant fields.

org-bibtex-yank: Yank a bibtex entry on the kill ring as a
formatted Org-mode headline into the current buffer

org-bibtex-export-to-kill-ring: Export the current headline
to the kill ring as a formatted bibtex entry.

Spreadsheet computation of durations and time values

If you want to compute time values use the =T= flag, either in
Calc formulas or Elisp formulas:

Task 1 Task 2 Total
35:00 35:00 1:10:00

Values must be of the form =[HH:]MM:SS=, where hours are

Thanks to Martin Halder, Eric Schulte and Carsten for code and
feedback on this.

Links within inlined footnotes.

It as also possible to have footnotes side-by-side correctly
exported. New variables =org-export-latex-footnote-separator=,
=org-export-html-footnote-separator= and
=org-export-docbook-footnote-separator= are used to separate them
in that case.

Fontification of footnotes is also more accurate.

New variable =org-export-with-tasks=

Non-nil means include TODO items for export.

This may have the following values:

- t include tasks independent of state.
- todo include only tasks that are not yet done.
- done include only tasks that are already done.
- nil remove all tasks before export
- list of TODO kwds keep only tasks with these keywords

Thanks to Carsten for implementing this!

New variable =org-export-latex-timestamp-inactive-markup=

This variable allows the user to define the LaTeX markup for
inactive timestamps. It defaults to the same markup than active
timestamps. Thanks to Eric S Fraga for this patch.

New =org-default= face

=M-x customize-face RET org-default RET= will let you define the
default face for =org-mode= buffers.

Babel improvements
* In line code block call syntax
It is now possible to call code blocks from within blocks of

The new syntax is exactly analogous to the existing =#+call:=
line syntax, only it may be present embedded in a block of prose
for example =call_double(num=8)= would call the =double= code
block assigning the =num= variable to the value =8=.

* Optional variable names in code block calls
Variable names are now optional when passing variables to a code
block reference. Un-named variables will be assigned in order as
shown below.

#+source: minus
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var a=0 :var b=0
(- a b)

#+call: minus(a=8, b=4)

#+call: minus(8,4)

* Sub-tree ID as valid code block variable reference
It is now possible to assign the textual contents of an Org-mode
subtree to a code block variable using the ID of the subtree.
Both custom IDs and Org-mode IDs may be used. For example;

* =org-babel-tangle-body-hook= for reprocessing code block bodies during tangling
* =padline= header argument controls newline padding during tangling
* Maxima code blocks are now supported

Thanks to Eric Fraga for contributing this support.

* =awk= code blocks are now supported
* Added =xmpfilter= to Ruby code blocks for annotated code output
* New =noweb-ref= header argument

This header argument may be used to concatenate the bodies of
many code blocks into a single noweb reference. This brings
Org-mode's tangling functionality in line with traditional noweb

A no web reference like the following

will now expand to include the bodies of all code blocks which
are named =the-ref=, as well as all code blocks which have a
=:noweb-ref= header argument set to the value =the-ref=.

New tests

The =tests/= directory has been extensively updated.

Important bugfixes

Org-exp-blocks --- proper handling of recursively nested blocks

During export pre-processing org-exp-blocks will now ensure that
all matched blocks contain a proper balanced number of
recursively nested blocks.

Before this fix nested blocks such as the following would break
during export.

List handling

Fix an infinite loop when a list has an end of block string
without the corresponding beginning.

Auto-filling cannot happen at a location where it would otherwise
insert a new item.


Footnotes have gone through some bug-fixing:

- properly ignore footnotes in comments,
- export calls to previously defined footnotes in LaTeX using
- export footnotes before first heading (LaTeX),
- export footnotes when selecting a subtree not holding their
definition (LaTeX).

Many small bug fixes have been applied to list handling

- fix `org-timer-item',
- fix insertion of a new item with a non-nil `indent-tabs-mode',
- fix use of `fill-region' in an item,
- correct export lists within footnotes and footnotes within lists,
- correctly export lists containing macros,
- don't ignore with-case specification when sorting a list,
- better indentation handling when changing an item to an headline
or the other way,
- fix check-boxes' cookies updating.

2011-10-18 21:24:29 +08:00
2011-10-18 21:57:18 +08:00
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