StartSSL 刚通过认证的账户,按照提示操作, client certificates 没有成功安装,怎么办?

2014-12-22 23:07:12 +08:00
Your first client certificate has been installed into your browser. This is a bootstrapping certificate for authentication purpose.
Backup this certificate to an external media, otherwise you might not be able to regain access to your account. Please read these instructions from our FAQ page on how to do that.
刚刚是在这一步,但是火狐弹出来安装失败。那下一步该怎么办?找不到可以下载的地方啊= =现在也不敢退出,怕再也不能登陆了= =请问此时该怎么办?谢谢
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