iOS 4.0.2

2010-08-12 05:41:07 +08:00
封堵了之前的 PDF 漏洞,鉴于这个漏洞也有可能会被坏人利用,所以这个更新还是非常有必要安装的。
4137 次点击
所在节点    iDev
1 条回复
2010-08-12 05:49:17 +08:00
"New build menu item “Build and Analyze” will generate build warnings using the new static analyzer, identifying potential coding mistakes by analyzing most possible code paths. These build warnings can also be viewed using the new message bubbles which, when clicked, will display arrows that walk through the steps that can create the coding error."

"New “Quick Help” feature (option-double-click on an API) gives instant access to the most common documentation information, replacing the Research Assistant. Quick Help will disappear when focus is changed, or the window may be dragged to a more docked position on the screen."

只是下载速度让人郁闷 :(

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