
2015-01-14 16:31:30 +08:00
xiaomayi0323  xiaomayi0323

下午在PyCharm上更新完BashSupport插件后,在Event Log里显示了一段特别有爱的日志:

4:17:49 PM BashSupport: Developer is getting married, want to send me a gift?
BashSupport is in development for 6 years now and you made my plugin the 6th most downloaded ever. Thank you for liking it!
My life gets a cool new change: I'm getting married to my fiancée Lisa in April. I invite all happy users of BashSupport to chip in by sending us a wedding gift:
make a small donation here or send your gift with Paypal to mail@ansorg-it.com. (Note that this will be my first and last campaign via BashSupport, ever.)
Thank you all!
Joachim Ansorg, BashSupport Developer
No, thanks, Show again later
This message won't show after the wedding. It will be displayed 2 times at most. (show balloon)

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