2015-01-18 20:49:09 +08:00
tammy  tammy
In October, 2014, after offering free DNS and redirection for about 14 years, Sitelutions was forced to shutdown free DNS and redirection. Over the years, the free services began to attract a significant amount of abuse, including very large DDoS attacks. These attacks would impact the services being provided to paying customers, and were very expensive to properly mitigate.

In order to continue to offer quality services to all our customers, in order to update and setup new DNS and redirect records, you must either be a Sitelutions Insider's Club member. Alternatively, basic DNS and redirection are included for domains registered with Sitelutions.

How can I update my DNS records?
Transfer your domain to Sitelutions
join the Insider's Club to take advantage of Sitelutions' advanced DNS features. Using Sitelutions as the registrar for your domains allows our support team to focus on keeping your sites online and available.

Join the Insider's Club to take advantage of low TTL's and unlimited static and dynamic hosts for AlLL of your domains.
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所在节点   DNS  DNS
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