如何修改 ubuntu 桌面版的文件描述符的限制? kubuntu 14.04

2015-01-21 14:20:19 +08:00

目前的 ulimit -Hn 显示的是4096
修改了 /etc/security/limits.conf 和 /etc/pam.d/common-session ,加了 session required limits.so
服务器版ulimit -Hn 是 6万多,我想知道怎么在桌面版设置,突破这个限制?

3193 次点击
所在节点    Linux
1 条回复
2015-01-21 17:19:24 +08:00

At first I missed the wildcard on the end of /etc/pam.d/common-session* and just edited common-session, and even after a reboot it didn't work. But after adding the same line (for pam_limits.so) to common-session-noninteractive, ulimit -n displayed the new value after a fresh login (no reboot required). FWIW I was trying to change the limit for root (only). – Eric Lambart Jun 26 '14 at 18:12

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