Quora 上对编程语言和国家建立的映射关系

2015-02-06 09:06:28 +08:00


Java: USA -- optimistic, powerful, likes to gloss over inconveniences.

C++: UK -- strong and exacting, but not so good at actually finishing things and tends to get overtaken by Java.

Python: The Netherlands. "Hey no problem, let'sh do it guysh!"

Ruby: France. Powerful, stylish and convinced of its own correctness, but somewhat ignored by everyone else.

Assembly language: India. Massive, deep, vitally important but full of problems.

Cobol: Russia. Once very powerful and written with managers in mind; but has ended up losing out.

SQL and PL/SQL: Germany. A solid, reliable workhorse of a language.

Javascript: Italy. Massively influential and loved by everyone, but breaks down easily.

Scala: Hungary. Technically pure and correct, but suffers from an unworkable obsession with grammar that will limit its future success.

C: Norway. Tough and dynamic, but not very exciting.

PHP: Brazil. Full of beauty and flouts itself a lot, but secretly very conservative.

LISP: Iceland. Incredibly clever and well-organised, but icy and remote.

Perl: China. Able to do apparently almost anything, but rather inscrutable.

Swift: Japan. One minute it's nowhere, the next it's everywhere and your mobile phone relies on it.

C#: Switzerland. Beautiful and well thought-out, but expect to pay a lot if you want to get seriously involved.

R: Liechtenstein. Probably really amazing, especially if you're into big numbers, but no-one knows what it actually does.

Awk: North Korea. Stubbornly resists change, and its users appear to be unnaturally fond of it for reasons we can only speculate on.

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7 条回复
2015-02-06 09:25:16 +08:00
PHP为什么不是USA呢 :)
2015-02-06 09:26:01 +08:00
易语言: CN.汉语编程是易语言的最大特点,全中文的支持使得中文用户无需跨越英语门槛即可学习编程。且易语言提供了大量的本土化函数,譬如农历、汉字处理等,方便相关程序的编写 ——摘自喂鸡百科
2015-02-06 09:31:54 +08:00
very good one!
2015-02-06 10:31:56 +08:00
2015-02-06 11:10:14 +08:00
C++ 和 C# 的发明人都是丹麦人,母语是丹麦语。
Python 的发明人是荷兰人,母语是荷兰语。
Ruby 的发明人是日本人,母语是日本语。
Lua 的发明人是巴西人,母语是葡萄牙语。
Pascal 的发明人是瑞士人,母语估计是德语。
...... http://www.zhihu.com/question/19770358

易语言体现的天朝特色就是“忽悠”,整天就到处忽悠什么“汉语编程”,实际上还是要大量的调用英文的WINAPI根本做不到真正的汉语编程。所谓易语言也不过就是抄袭VB替换几个英文关键字没有一点自己的语法思想,易语言早期版本编译的程序就可以用VB Explorer解开外壳。一个编程语言多少能说出一些特色和存在理由,这奇葩的易语言居然什么处理个汉字这都算本土化特色无语了,笑话了,哪个编程语言不能处理汉字?!

2015-02-06 11:52:19 +08:00
@a2z 同感,尼玛阿三居然自比为汇编。。。
2015-02-06 12:30:15 +08:00
Perl 6到底什么时候出

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