In 1999 Koch, via the German Unix User Group which he served on the board of,[2] received a grant of 318,000 marks (about $170,000 US) from the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology to make GPG compatible with Microsoft Windows.[1] In 2005 he received a contract from the German government to support the development of S/MIME. In 2015 he was awarded a one-time grant of $60,000 US from the Linux Foundation's Core Infrastructure Initiative.[3] Also in 2015 Facebook and Stripe each pledged to annually donate $50,000 US to GPG development.[2][3] 向这位孤胆枪手致敬。
还有,大家觉得赛门铁克收购PGP后,或整体来说,目前的PGP安全吗? 现在总说纷纭……
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