Markdown Here,使用 Markdown 写邮件/博客,写印象笔记/evernote(网页版)

2015-02-12 11:20:36 +08:00

Markdown Here is primarily targeted to work with Gmail and Thunderbird, but it also works pretty well with Yahoo and Hotmail. Additionally, it works great with Google Groups and Sites, Evernote's web interface, Blogger, Wordpress, and more!

Available as a Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Thunderbird extension.

Github / Chrome插件 / Firefox扩展

概念挺好,但我依然死心踏地的用@zhangshine 大神的MdCharm:很少写邮件,印象笔记也多是做为收集用。

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2015-02-12 19:44:25 +08:00

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