initialdp https://解密.org/plusd/cables/10HONGKONG146_a.html7. This "good neighbor policy" proposal gained enough
momentum to prompt Hong Kong WSD and Guangdong's Water Supply
Board (WSB) to meet in early November 2009. However, the
official response from Guangdong after the meeting was that
it appreciated the gesture but would continue water
deliveries to Hong Kong, which only accounts for three
percent of Dongjiang's average annual flow volume. Since
then, Guangdong's WSB has implemented a water quality
regulation plan to manage water output from three of its
reservoirs to meet the needs of the cities in the region,
including Hong Kong. Several parties, however, opined that
the PRC central government was more concerned about the fixed
HK$2.96 billion (approximately US$384 million) payment it
gets Hong Kong and wanted to ensure that the arrangement
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