DO 变更服务协议了

2015-03-07 06:25:04 +08:00
kbuddy  kbuddy

Promotional Credit
5.8 As of March 6, 2015, redemption of promotional credit is limited to 12 months from the date of issue (unless otherwise stated), at which time the credit will expire. Upon redemption, promotional credit expires after 12 months unless otherwise defined in the terms of the promotion. For instances where promotional credit was issued or redeemed prior to March 6, 2015, that credit will expire on March 6, 2016.
5.9 Only one promotional code is permitted per customer, and may be redeemed only by “new users,” defined as users who are within 30 days of launching their first Droplet.

Referral Credit
5.10 Earned credit from making a referral will not expire. All referral payouts will be paid in DigitalOcean credit.
5.11 Sign-up credit earned via referral will expire in accordance with the terms stated in section 5.8. Furthermore, such credit will be counted as the one promotional code permitted, in accordance with the terms stated in section 5.9.
770 次点击
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2 条回复
2015-03-07 10:33:48 +08:00
For instances where promotional credit was issued or redeemed prior to March 6, 2015, that credit will expire on March 6, 2016.

2015-03-07 11:14:45 +08:00

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