ayanamist 你猜对了, 真的是根据 "helpful" 排序的, 不知道对谁 "helpful", 一个这么大的公司居然能迷信"算法"到这种程度, 甚至不先测试一下
http://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/group/chromium-apps/browse_thread/thread/777596699c6b5742/312a2ef72490fa21"""Hi everyone,
A few days ago we released some changes to the way we sort comments from our
users. Instead of sorting these by recency and showing our users a lot of
comments which might not be so helpful, we are now sorting these comments by
quality and helpfulness to the users. Thank you for your feedback on this
change. We are listening and are taking all of your feedback into
consideration as we iterate and work more on this feature. Our goal is to
make comments be as helpful as possible for our users and our developers.
Chrome Web Store team"""
"""It was obviously a ridiculous change to make. Please just revert back
to the old comment system. I don't want to have to wait while you
develop a new comment system, there was nothing wrong with the
original! """