banri 你看 3 楼的第四条,你说的我提到了。
鉴于你可能还不知道关闭在线验证和宣布免费的区别,我就把 Adobe 官方的宣告贴到这(重点已经标出):
「Adobe has disabled the activation server for CS2 products, including Acrobat 7, because of a technical issue. These products were released more than seven years ago, do not run on many modern operating systems, and are no longer supported.
Adobe strongly advises against running unsupported and outdated software. 『The serial numbers provided as a part of the download may only be used by customers who legitimately purchased CS2 or Acrobat 7 and need to maintain their current use of these products.』」
有一个 Check Box 是「If you purchased a CS2 product, and you no longer have the installation media, you can download replacement installers from this page.」
https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/cs2-product-downloads.html也就是说,关闭在线验证 ≠ 宣布免费,这是有很大区别的,但是对于部分人来说,一切不需要成本的免费实现方式都是可行的「被宣布免费」。
当然,如果你用的话,无论国内外都不会有人管你了,因为在线验证已经关闭,只要你下了就是可用的了。这就是个纯意识的事儿了,当然,从性质上来定,如果不是 CS2 已购用户,下载了这个在线验证关闭的 CS2,依旧不是正确支付了知识版权,而只是钻了一个空子罢了。