Slack 表示数据库被未授权访问

2015-03-28 09:14:23 +08:00

We are writing to inform you that we were recently able to confirm that there was unauthorized access to a Slack database containing user profile information. We have since blocked this unauthorized access and made additional changes to our technical infrastructure to prevent future incidents. We have made all relevant details available on our blog. No specific action is required of you.

However, we have also just released Two Factor Authentication (“2FA”; also known as “two step verification”) and we strongly recommend that all users enable this feature, which provides an additional layer of security for their account. Additional details are available in our help center and you can enable 2FA directly on your account settings page.

Since the compromised system was first discovered, we have been working 24 hours a day to methodically examine, rebuild and test each component of our system to ensure it is safe. We are very aware that our service is essential to many teams. Earning your trust through the operation of a secure service will always be our highest priority. We deeply regret this incident and apologize to you and to everyone who relies on Slack for the inconvenience.

For more on our security practices and policies, see Again, for additional information, we encourage you to read the blog post for more details.

The team at Slack

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