牛逼的平面设计师你在哪里 | A Designer Wanted

2015-04-18 12:54:34 +08:00







A Free Lancer or even Business Partner in Beijing, China

Who we want
1. A creative designer, who is good at graphic design, and has experience in website and app design, with plenty of time in the next future month.
2. If you are a UI designer, that’s perfect.
3. If you happen to love adventure and travel, that’s gonna be even better.

What we want
A VI system, focusing on website and app design. and Every page.

Who are we
We are a UGC adventure OTA, which means we are a STYLISH user generating content based adventure online life and travel agency.

What we have
A good pay; a product prototype; a great plan

Please contact us if you are interested. Or if you have a friend who is a dsigner that we want, Please also help us to spread it out. Many Thanks!


if you read down to here, we want to tell you what we have heard about here, that people here are usually a bigger stylish. And you definitely are.

1744 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
1 条回复
2015-04-18 13:47:41 +08:00
各位 请在随信中放一些的平面作品或者个人博客网站。多谢!

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