一分钱一分货半点不假,打算买搬瓦工的看看服务条款这里 关于的CPU的限制 V2EXer估计英语都不差
https://bandwagonhost.com/knowledgebase/6/TOS---Terms-of-Service.htmlIt is permitted to use all of the allocated resources without any additional limitations with the exception of CPU.
We allow to max out CPU for short periods of time. However, please make sure that 1-hour average CPU load does not exceed the following levels:
Micro-64 Plan: 10% of 1 core
Micro-96 Plan: 13% of 1 core
Micro-128 Plan: 15% of 1 core
3G Plan: 20% of 1 core
5G Plan: 20% of 1 core
10G Plan: 25% of 1 core
20G Plan: 50% of 1 core
40G Plan: 75% of 1 core
80G Plan: 100% of 1 core
160G Plan: 100% of 1 core + 25% of 2nd core
320G Plan: 100% of 1 core + 50% of 2nd core
5G/512M Promo plan: 17% of 1 core
10G/512M Promo plan: 17% of 1 core
20G/1024M Promo plan: 25% of 1 core
30G/4G RAM Promo plan: 50% of 1 core
When your VPS uses more CPU time than described above for long periods of time, its CPU clock is automatically forced to the corresponding value (i.e., you will not be able to use more CPU cycles than shown above). You will see a corresponding message on the main screen of the KiwiVM control panel.
Once high CPU load is removed, our system will automatically remove this limitation from your account.