.me 域名转移倒狗爹失败,内有详细原因,求各位帮忙

2015-04-20 14:24:56 +08:00

1. 我在Godaddy转移时候的费用过几天会自动退款给我吗?
2. 有没大神知道是什么原因呢?

Domain name transfer request failed

Dear ni ming,

Your request to transfer the domain name SANSHU.ME has failed for the following reason(s):

The registry rejected the transfer request due to an ineligible domain status.

Your transfer request will remain active in our system for 30 days, after which time it will expire. Once any standing issues have been resolved with your current registrar, you will be free to reinitiate the transfer through us as long as the transfer has not expired.

You may be able to resolve the error simply by resubmitting the domain transfer request. To do so, log in to your account. Under the Domains heading, select Transfers. Select the transfers to retry and then click Restart Transfer.

To retrieve your customer number or password hint or to reset your password, click here.

If you have any questions, visit Online Support or call us at (480) 505-8877.

230 次点击
所在节点    域名
1 条回复
2015-04-20 14:48:27 +08:00
// 不知道怎么删除主题,打扰大家了

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