makediffPractical Common Lisp 这本书读过没? 快速上手,最后引导你写几个小项目。
开发环境推荐:emacs + sbcl + slime (限Mac, Linux)
警告!看完Paul Graham写的东西一定要冷静...
最后用Peter Norvig(Google研究部门经理,十年学会编程的作者)说过的话做为结尾:
In terms of programming-in-the-large, at Google and elsewhere, I think that language choice is not as important as all the other choices:
if you have the right overall architecture, the right team of programmers, the right development process that allows for rapid development with continuous improvement, then many languages will work for you;
if you don't have those things you're in trouble regardless of your language choice.
排版好麻烦啊... @
livid 给v2ex加入markdown的支持吧