John Siracusa 写作( My Yosemite Review)数据总结

2015-04-29 15:17:37 +08:00
The Stats
* 26,485 words.
* 113 images (54.3 MB)
* 479 original screenshots (3.56 GB)
* 8,283 words of research notes.
* 2,534 lines of Perl code across 12 scripts to generate three different formats from the canonical HTML source: Ars CMS, EPUB, and Kindle.
* All three formats were generated 171 times.
* I saved the document 3,525 times while writing it in BBEdit.
* The article content was constantly backed up onto 7 different hard drives on three different Macs in two different locations (thanks to Dropbox, Time Machine, andSuperDuper), and pushed up to two different online backup services (Backblaze andCrashPlan).
* Applications used: BBEdit, Dragon Dictate, TextEdit, Simplenote, Photoshop CS6, VMware Fusion, xScope, Xcode, Yojimbo.


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