HIRING: Summer Internship Software Tester & Developer

2015-05-08 14:38:43 +08:00

Summer Internship in Kudelabs 2015: Software Dev, Software Testing, Mar

for more information, please go to the following urls:

Dev position http://gztechjobs.com/jobs/497
Tester position http://gztechjobs.com/jobs/498

Kude Labs (酷德实验室) is a growing software development firm focused on building high quality web applications. Our office is located in Guangzhou Wuyang New Town (广州市五羊新城).

We are happy to offer internship positions for students looking to improve their skills and gain some practical experience working on real-world projects. The internship is for students who will graduate at 2016/2017 or later. Intern positions are part time and can transition into a full time position after graduation. The majority of our full-time employees joined our team first as interns.

Software Development Intern - Web Applications, Ruby on Rails

We are looking for smart software engineers with experience and interest in Web applications. We develop in Ruby on Rails with a distributed team partly in China, partly in the US. We work with world class partners on projects all over the world, who expect the best from us. We expect the best from you.

Ideal candidates would have:

Outstanding analytical thinking and software design skills
Computer Science background, or other Engineering degree and significant programming experience
Experience with Ruby on Rails, or possibly other Web App framework and ability to learn quickly
Experience using Linux or some other flavor of Unix
Deep understanding of HTML and CSS
Experience with modern Javascript and AJAX techniques
Good written and oral communications skills
Open-minded and willing to share ideas with others
Self-motivated, cheerful, friendly, upbeat outlook

To Apply:
Please send an ENGLISH letter of interest, references and resume to: intern2015@kudelabs.com.

We look forward to working with you and welcoming you as a part of the Kudelabs family.

Kude Labs (酷德实验室) is a growing software development firm focused on building high quality web applications. Our office is located in Guangzhou Wuyang New Town (广州市五羊新城).

We are happy to offer internship positions for students looking to improve their skills and gain some practical experience working on real-world projects. The internship is for students who will graduate at 2016/2017 or later. Intern positions are part time and can transition into a full time position after graduation. The majority of our full-time employees joined our team first as interns.

Software Testing Intern - Web applications

We are looking for smart Quality Assurance engineers for testing the Web Applications we develop. QA is a tough job: you are responsible for the finished product and its up to you to find ways to minimize errors. This position requires good understand of computer science, as well as excellent organizational and critical thinking skills.

Ideal candidates would have:

Outstanding analytical thinking abilities
Patient and precise work style
Engineering background
Experience with open source tools
Some experience using Linux or some other flavor of Unix
Excellent written and oral communications skills
Self motivated and able to work independently
To Apply:
Please send an ENGLISH letter of interest, references and resume to: intern2015@kudelabs.com.

We look forward to working with you and welcoming you as a part of the Kudelabs family.

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