关于 godaddy 域名的问题

2015-05-08 16:06:34 +08:00

Domain Status Notification
This notification is generated automatically as a service to you.

We have received a request that the name servers be changed for the following domain name(s):

If you are monitoring this name with Domain Backorders, the above change is also displayed in the "Monitoring and Backordering" section of your Account Manager.

You do not need to respond to this email. If, however, you think this change may have been made in error or fraudulently, please contact us within 15 days.

If you need to address this matter, or in any way need further assistance or technical support, call 24/7 Support at (480) 505-8877. We appreciate your business!
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3 条回复
2015-05-08 16:11:01 +08:00
2015-05-08 16:12:54 +08:00
我昨天狗爹买的域名,也是使用的 dnspod 没问题
2015-05-08 16:17:09 +08:00
@fising 我之前也好好的。就刚才来了这邮件就这样了,。。。。

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